Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Song : Do You Agree To Listen My Words, Be My Best Friend.

Do You Agree To Listen My Words, Be My Best Friend.

Would you just listen and please don't say a word, just yet,

I'd like you to think back to the very first time we would meet,

How you will feel around me? The memories we share,

And just remember that once up in a time, you will really care.

Now think about how we could meet, and how much I cried,

But please don't speak, remember that I never ever lie,

That I tell you the honest truth about why we to make life,

But now I'd like you to know that my heart beats for only you.

The pain is deep, unbeliveable and for, so you my dear,

I'll never forget all your friendship, all the uncontrollable tears,

Slowly I am rebuilding my life, I am content with what I've got,

And although it is hard I am beginning to remember what I love for.

to be Contd.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

No words but I begin to be on track to future success. but still I dream all about this now

sorry NO post words but I did begin to talks for making my album this month thanks to those people I feel to get success in making my album my dreams to come true...........

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

From one of my songs,

Namaste Honey, Get My Love, Give Me My Love, I Will Love You, Will You Face Inn My Love
( to be contd. only in my album songs when I make it than.....)
_ _ _
I write here on thisblog only from one of my album song collection, the few expected lines from the same song and from some where in between my words.

_ _ _ ..............
1) one step you make the legs to opps !!! yesthe top score towards love _ _ _ ......
2) flash not your heart out of mind_ _ _ .......
3) fire in the eyes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yourself to true lines _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ........
4) by my heart the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .........
5) never NO to your love _ _ _ .......
6) good you love _ _ _ _ .......
7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..... inn, my life. we love, we love, we love,
[ smile and you be my love ]

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Makarsankranti Festival

Wish You All A Very Happy Makarsankranti With All The Delicious Sweets And The Same Sweetness Be In Your Life With Love And Joy Of Happiness As Like Til (Sesame Seed) and Gur ( Jaggery) Are United Together to Make The Make The Sweets Like Ladoo, So Have A Life Of Peace, Unity And Prosperity

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New year post, call for death of terror crime

It will be worth to meaning in features of genius life.
The greetings to the New Year new life.
We have to call a peace life to future.
Let’s strike 2009 call it the year, the death of crime.
It’s better to dig and bring peace to life .
Save the earth and nations with respect to innocent life.
If one man of terror of any nation does crime,
And at worth nation doesn't react to cure it with the time facts.
It’s that Nation a crime of terror ground must got searched,
With time to lesson the crime.
It’s not as waiting minutes to stay on door to back hand to say,
But true time to hit to death of terror crimes .
We will win, win, and win the joy of life,
One up step is a must; we will win on many thoughts of mind .
Peace in the world, It’s our thoughts of life .
The man with no values isn't life.
True words we must speak and do, it’s a life.
Make no error but get down to fear, say and call for death of crime.
But it must, to have the end of terror and end of crime.
Peace is the honor we must have,
Peace is in our blood, Peace is in our heart of life.
Love you love this life, We love a life,
We love life, We love life, We love life.