My greetings to the world
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 ( Greetingss )
_ . _ . _ . _ . _Welcome 2009_ . _ . _ . _ . _
Thursday, December 25, 2008
wait for my greetings and my song on new year
also My Greetings is comming soon on this blog. one for my greetings for all and the another in a small size greetings you can send to other only for new year 2009 by adding your name on it without editing it, as designed by me. Its My edited designed greetings, made by shailez only.
When the Santa will come
To you in your thoughts,
Give you your gift of love,
No religious thoughts come to mind,
It’s a Joy time
Life I owe to love a life
The sugar calendar to new a life,
The decoration is a passion,
In every life with peace,
In every heart of life,
Make the score, all the world,
And all religious peoples,
Enjoy all religious festivals,
The joy is the ride,
Get music to life,
My song values life to love
And my words eventually fight against crime
The free thoughts,
I gift you all it's mine
These words written by Hindu a religion
And I respect every religion
On all walks of life.
.. /---- /..
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Earth is life, first born home, never describe with the call as fake to all you read and you can learn. as every life has meaning, hate not your world, love is something if you dont love you will never know its meaning.
Hate not your self first, never say every thing is fake in this world, make your life with you think for life is meaning.
You have your dreams, crush not with the fake word, you use in the manner you dont like some one, where ever you love or you hate, do you love your freedom self at first, than love with peace is true meaning.
Say not my love is fake to me, Say not my love is fake for you, Love is my dream, Love is love, you must knowledge your absence of mind, where you lost your thinking. Where are you, How are you, What life to you is meaning, Sunday is born said before its called monday, so when will you make this meeting with you understanding you change your's own from the wrong to good life of living. I was born in this world the day I opened my eyes now I feel to see this world, But now what love means to you I have nothing to think if you think odds in words, please know the meaning of love before you make your dream to be with someone you wish to love inn, what is your dream. Life is meaning, on this earth so called you and all we are born, so call the earth your first home, life on earth make is living, life is meaning, your life is meaning, My life is meaning.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Diwali Greetings, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Happy Diwali, I make - Logo Designing
My greetings For Diwali is comming soon on this blog, I have edited it my self on my computer, and Its Ready to make it on this blog. I will place it on 28th Oct please Note please see it and My greetings of my wishes to all With A Happy Diwali Note.
Also I like To say that I can make Logo Designs, Please send your comments on this blog and we can contect on phone or by email, For all peoples of the world, I promise you to give good Quality Logo Design as per the cost applicable for it and its use purpose after we talk or contect on communication, cost may vary on distance nad purpose or work done. All LOGO work will be done on the purpose of legal aspects only and accepted by law where as needed. Work done will be handed over only after the Payment is Done. Work done on making Logo must be picked up within the time frame given.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
DEVELPOMENT , One More Point To Defence
How Are You So Bad, To Make Your Thoughts A Fire, Why The Evil Is Born, To The Circus Of Nonsense, Why There Is Law Maker Sleeping On Worth On The Cause Of Development Of The Nation?
On Duty How One Can Make The True Standard Law, It Self To Say The State Of Nation To Be Built. Who Will Order To This Generation Without Any Complain, Remain In The Peoples Mind, Who And When The Development Will Occur, And As A Must For Development Of Our Country.
I Say It To The Supreme Law To Pass Out An Order Plan. All It To Do And For The Development Of Our Nation I N D I A.
I Want The Stop Of Crime On Prime Rules, I Say About States And Local Area Laws Implementation By The Supreme Law For Our Indian State And The Area That Belongs To Indian Nation, So The supreme Court Must Order The High Courts - For Foundation Of Development And Ask For What The Results Are. And To Punish The Land Of Odds And Crime On Points, And Go For Report Of Crazy Going Incidental Effects Of Crime Suspect, It Is To Be Reported For Secure By A Law Is Needed, All For Peace And Development Of Our Nation.
I Want To Say Why Can't We Make Walls Of Treasure, I Mean To Say To Built State Boundary Walls And District Boundaries Walls, Please Do It For Reading Inn Coming And Out Going Peoples Record, At Least On The State Boundary Of All States In India.
I Request For - With Only To Build 7 to 9 Gates Of All For The State Crown. And Make Records Of Every Vehicle Go Up And Down And Compare Them With Moving Records For Knowledge Who Traveled Where In A Zigzag Manner With Result Comparing With Incidents Occurred and with Normal Records And Also Getting Noticed With Phone Of Communication And All Moments.
All This You Do It At State Boundaries And On District Boundaries For Development Only For Security Reasons And The Gates Of Records By Building Security Concern For The Safety of India Development Plan For Future.
The State Walls Must Be 25 To 30 Feet Tall, And District Or You Call It As Constitution Walls Be 12 To 15 Feet Tall, All Wide With 7 To 12 Feet Wide For This At Worth Respectively. And So Supreme Court Must Ask For Which Vehicles Had Traveled For When And For Where, For Terror To Be Punished By Hard-core Law If Found At The Cause Of Terror. All Done After Compare Of Two State Records And Phone Calls Of Any Crime Incidents and Reports If Concerned On Search The Truth Of The Facts.
All Checking Registration Spots Must Be Half A Kilometer Always From Such A Boundary Walls, And When One Goes At The Center Line There Be No Permission, And Only With To Move Across The Line To Allow For The Permission With The True Copy Paper Record For All Vehicles, And Also It Will Need Permission From The Owner Of The Vehicles.
All This Will Give The Meaningful And Worth And Jobs To People In This Area. All Knowledge Of Crime Crosses The Line Of Boundary Wall Will Get Recorded For Peace and Safety Means. And You Will Be Able To Find The Crime Of Terror, Of Who And When The Devil Thoughts Crossed The Boundary Line.
All I Say That The Supreme Court Will Have Records, Of The Minister's Who Are Good For Development, And Those Who Are Evil For Our Nation Must Be Watched By Law, Who Is Bad And Who Is Good You Will Know, And Only Make The Law Only For The Good Remarks, He Or She Will Have The Maximum point Or Minus Points, And Such Persons Who Will Be Allowed For New Election forms For Innocent Leadership, And Others To Be Eliminated Out Of Such Role Once And For Ever For The Safety Cause And Development Of The Nation, For The Cause Off, Crime Is Crime To One And All. The Devil Is A Devil Be That Elected Member Or Common Man.
Fearing Of Death Statement Must Come to Air for All Terror, It Will Change The Mind To Think For A Man Ten Thousand Times, What Is Life And What Is Fear, I Say To The people Now Hate Not Your Own Self First, Knowledge To Self The Ups And Downs Of Life. And The Terrorist Are Moving Or A Foreign Anti-national If Found Moving Can Also Be Caught In The Trap Of Golden Rule Of Wall Of State Boundaries of Protection.
Thanks, I Note This For Development And Love Of Peace In This World.
From Shailez
Friday, October 17, 2008
NEWS, I think for good
I like to suggest that why there is no law in every aspects of the subject of concern and safety law for normal life I mean say for common life of the people, I like to say that much even a rich man can be with a common thought. For Example You have seen as in the world what happens, I saw that On Television that children’s of very young fall in a bore well, and the whole country seems suffering, Why this happens, Man is not God, All should make the protocol thought in mind. But Man can be cautious with have the safety law and punishing law.
Here there what law must be: 1) The permission must be given by State government only to bore the deep burring well with implemented cause, that (a) at least 5 peoples take responsibility on the project up till the safety is signed as done, 2 security person must be signed there until the cover of the bore well is properly locked to safety, at the end signed By inspector on proper inspection on the project. (2) Such projects must be under supervision of the police department or by leading team for responsibility of the respective state if so cause be incidental that those will be responsible.(3) The defaults must be low graded as lower than common people life and they be called as no leaders inn or as officials aspects. (4) These defaults must get there remarks of life only common life of man only after hundred day on making points at least 100 points of help and reports of the surroundings at 20 different places in the country.
To get points one point of incident they report as for per day, report against development, report of public issues of trouble and for safety, Reports for what safety measures can be done, reports of eye-sights of terror, In search of run away criminals, reports or hide outs of terrors hiding places for action and So on they can get idea for earning points to be back to normal life.
You can Choose on many more subjects at different areas, Today you see that TV news are going over talks, and unsafe for safety reasons, So I suggest that one must not dig it to core the subject about that what terrorist are caught, is the secure documentation is done on this subject than if a terrorist is caught and the subject is to be kept suspense that we can even reach the root cause of the terror and who more peoples are involved in when you see that they come to find there own men, or even they may be found talking some were or the other places about the lost or caught terrorists and so the defensive law can nab all the terror in the country and the world. It will fear the mind of terror and the subject. It should be that the news channels who give report of the subject to support the terror must be fined with the punishment within specific time. And the punishment who discloses the topic must be thrashes from the service to that channel by the leader of the channel. And On behalf they must give an opportunity to common people with the computation for peoples to come forward to show the talent they have in them in various subject and that must help to learn by other to earn their money on subjects and Knowledge for good for all.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
------ Area Secure With Legal Photo ID ------
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Alchol, the slow poison, fears your thoughts
The meaning of life on this Earth don’t poison your own self but medicine to your life, I have my words for you, what the world says to you, hey peoples like you are not friend of any one in this world that do you know, why you drink so that slow poison it will destroy you, your lever, your heart - you are big fool. I say to my nation and the peoples of this world, You were not born with the wine on your tongs just what one has to say like a silver spoon, you are dirty idiots get your self punished with the fear, you have started damaging your liver and heart of your own, you are going to die sooner then the day fixed by God, what to say you are mad and mentally sick what to say about you. Do not touch that slow poison it will always give pains to you, if you touch the drugs you will die soon, if you smoke in a chain that you will suffer soon, hey stop that Dirty alcoholic drinks, hey see that what’s before you, your death is calling you, you are afraid of your own. It an order I say to you don’t poison your heart - this smoke and alcohol will make it like a slow poison; it will kill you. What to say about you. Give me the reason why you were born. When you not knew this world, what you do is - you must do good for the peoples of this world, when some one ask you what answer will be yours for good in you, will you say that you were mentally fool. Give your answer to me - what is Good about you. Hell with that poison - you take. You are mentally sick; come on the ground to know your own, where you stand in your rich thoughts of life of this world, if you see in your mirror it is sure to say where the shadow of your good in you is. You are bad, You are mad, what idiot thoughts is in you. Now change the life to earn and do some thing Good, Love your own self first, love with meaning, the rich and good life will be always before you, before all you make your self in an aggressive mood. Get to your life you are born for. Every living life is born to have rich life of thoughts; the meaning of Knowledge is highly sensitive. Thanks for every thing as you all think always good. You are born to give other your thoughts that worth useful, the new life to this Earth.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Love is Meaning, Love is Life
The below I write is not a song but read it as I feel it as a paragraph untuned song. beacuse My songs are more high profiled language as with high qualified words and this is just an example to know my way matter of what I write. and to help my songs, The feelings I add inn.
Love is My life, Want to love means to know your heart, Let the world Know Who am I, What I to say to all, LOVE PEACE in every way in your life. And This world is full of love life, People Must understand what Love life means to them, It is not that you eat and think always odd way of life, Never hurt whom you love in your heart, Life is meaning for the way you are Born, Born to Love in your life. You are born to do good deeds, but the prints of remarks will be remembered by one and all. For exposer of good thoughts in you. If you put any thoughts of your signature to knowlwedge this world ,You will learn that you are born to put your remarks. The first priroty in life I give you my words, You are my life, My love is my life.
Every animals Know what is life. Even a lion or tiger or if you see a snake it has to move in its area with the love for life and on the land for food. What for you Love is your life. Every one got the life, has the rights to enjoy the gift of life. Love the nature, Love the Skies for the Belove You are only my life. The treasure is a freedom of peace and love in our mind, only the Beloved is my life.
report comments on this what bad way I have written here just for explanation, For sponcers to help me to make my album songs.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Real Life of Peace is More Meaning, Love is Meaning
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Part of my song on LHC

I have placed only it part of it written soo. I have sent this song to few TV channels in search of Sponcers and help for making this Album song. I am ready to set for free only this song so if any one intrested in making for this song can contect me. But I want sponcer for that person for my future song album.
Shaile K