Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Love is Meaning, Love is Life

The below I write is not a song but read it as I feel it as a paragraph untuned song. beacuse My songs are more high profiled language as with high qualified words and this is just an example to know my way matter of what I write. and to help my songs, The feelings I add inn.

Love is My life, Want to love means to know your heart, Let the world Know Who am I, What I to say to all, LOVE PEACE in every way in your life. And This world is full of love life, People Must understand what Love life means to them, It is not that you eat and think always odd way of life, Never hurt whom you love in your heart, Life is meaning for the way you are Born, Born to Love in your life. You are born to do good deeds, but the prints of remarks will be remembered by one and all. For exposer of good thoughts in you. If you put any thoughts of your signature to knowlwedge this world ,You will learn that you are born to put your remarks. The first priroty in life I give you my words, You are my life, My love is my life.

Every animals Know what is life. Even a lion or tiger or if you see a snake it has to move in its area with the love for life and on the land for food. What for you Love is your life. Every one got the life, has the rights to enjoy the gift of life. Love the nature, Love the Skies for the Belove You are only my life. The treasure is a freedom of peace and love in our mind, only the Beloved is my life.

report comments on this what bad way I have written here just for explanation, For sponcers to help me to make my album songs.

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